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LCDEF BoardReady Institute

**SAVE THE DATE: 2022 Spring BRI: March 29-31 in New York City**

The LCDEF‘s premiere BoardReady Institute (BRI) is a comprehensive set of exclusive, in-person programs uniquely designed to prepare and position new and aspiring directors for boardroom success. There is no other programming of this scope focused on accelerating the development and placement of highly credentialed, Latinos who are aspiring, new, and board-experienced directors from a variety of sectors and professions onto the highest levels of corporate governance. 

The curriculum was originally developed in collaboration with the KPMG Board Leadership Center, the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford Law School, Boardspan, and LCDA‘s search firm strategic partners - like Egon Zehnder, Heidrick & Struggles, Diversified Search, and many others - to assist candidates on their journey to and in the boardroom.

The core BRI program is targeted at first-year Executive Members and those members who have not completed board-ready programming or who are serving on their first public or private board (less than 2 years). It's designed to prepare highly credentialed executives and national leaders to begin their journey to the boardroom and be best positioned to serve as a vetted talent pool for corporate board service. 

BRINext is the next level in programming for members interested in taking a deeper dive in corporate governance education. This program is targeted at Executive Members who completed BRI programming in previous year(s) or other board-readiness program through other sources, and for new Director Members who have served on a board for less than 5 years.
Both programs, the core BRI and BRINext are supported by BRI Faculty committed to their success and leveraging the knowledge and resources of their institutions in support of their learning and journey to and in the boardroom.

Note: The process to get on a publicly traded or private company board can be lengthy and takes time and engagement on the part of the executive. The BRI does not guarantee a board seat, but it does provide executives with strategic advantages and LCDA and its foundation will remain committed to their boardroom success years after completion of the program.

See the full BoardReady Institute curriculum.

See the 2021 LCDEF BoardReady Institute Virtual schedule, click  HERE.
For more information, contact Ana Maria Soto at