Latino Voices for Boardroom Equity

About Latino Voices
The Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA) announced the Latino Voices for Boardroom Equity, in partnership with leading business and civic leaders, including:
This initiative will mobilize to target and engage with US public companies lacking Latino/a representation.
Progress will also be tracked and shared through the publication of a quarterly scorecard.
Diversity Must Include Latinos
The Latino Voices initiative asserts that diversity without the inclusion of Latinos is not acceptable:
- Call to triple Latino representation on public company boards by 2023.
- Act to target corporations with no Latino representation.
- Track progress through publication of a quarterly scorecard.
Search the California Boardroom Equity Tracker
Our tracker allows you to discover which California public companies do and do not have Latino/as on their board.
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US Latinos hold a mere 2.2% of the board seats among the publicly-traded companies listed in the Russell 3000 Index, according to ISS ESG data as of August 31, 2020.
In 2019, LCDA analysis found that 76.8% of the Fortune 1000 companies do not have a Latino on their board.
Only 23.2% of the F1000 companies had one or more US Latinos on their boards, occupying only 2.7% of Fortune 1000 board seats.
LCDA CA Company Board research found that of the 662 California-based public companies, 87%, 571 corporations have no Latino representation on their board of directors.
Why it Matters
Latinos in the US are the largest racial or ethnic group in this country, totaling 58 million (18% of the population) and projected to grow, on average, 1.2M per year between 2017 and 2060. US Latino consumers are the economic engine of the country; they command $2.3T GDP and are driving consumption growth in every mass consumer category.
Hear from Leaders

Latino Voices in the News
LCDA Chair's Corner: Our Time is Now
Bloomberg: Latinos Call for Board Seats, Left Out of Efforts to Promote Black Directors
Al Dia Business: Diversity in America is not Black and White
CNN Business: California will now require more diversity on company boards
CNBC: SPAC craze is leaving out women — And how boardrooms are leaving out Latinos
Bloomberg: Latino Group Pressures California Companies for More Directors
Sac Bee: A New Tool Reveals the Lack of Latino Representation on California's Public Boards