Spring 2023 BoardReady Institute (BRI)

2023 Spring BoardReady Institute

The LCDEF’s premiere BoardReady Institute (BRI) is a comprehensive set of exclusive, in-person programs uniquely designed to prepare and position new as well as aspiring directors for boardroom success. There is no other programming of this scope focused on accelerating the development and placement of highly credentialed, Latinos into the highest levels of corporate governance. BRI Core and BRINext, provide board-level networking, hands-on preparation, high-quality program content, coaching, and an unparalleled personal touch in one comprehensive package. BRI Core and BRINext programming directly complement the exclusive virtual services provided to LCDA members.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM ET | Welcome Reception

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM ET | BRI Core and BRINext Programming | Hosted by Wells Fargo | Charlotte, NC

Friday, March 31, 2023, 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM ET | BRI Core and BRINext Programming | Hosted by Wells Fargo | Charlotte, NC

Hosted this year by Wells Fargo, Spring BRI will take place at the Grand Bohemian Hotel Charlotte in Charlotte, NC.  A limited number of rooms will be available to Spring BRI attendees at the reduced rate of $249 a night (plus tax).

The hotel reservation system is open and can be booked by members and partners during registration. For more information, contact Lisa Hodges at lhodges@latinocorporatedirectors.org.

For more information on the BRI, click HERE.