2024 Chicago BoardReady Institute (BRI)
JULY 11-12, 2024 | CHICAGO
BRI is Tailored Exclusively
for LCDA Members
The LCDEF's BoardReady Institute (BRI) provides exclusive in-person programming uniquely tailored to prepare and position aspiring directors for success in the boardroom. Led by distinguished Latino corporate directors and governance experts, BRI participants benefit from hands-on board preparation, immersive corporate governance content, and invaluable in-person networking opportunities.
Assessing the shifting dynamics of the boardroom
Strategies for proactive board governance
Art of asking questions to assess potential risk
How to secure small wins that can lead to your first public or large private company board seat
Gain Insights via 1:1 Coaching from Experienced Directors
Elevate your board value proposition: Board Resume, Board Bio and Board Pitch refinement
Overview of fulfilling independent director duties on a private vs. public Board
Network with peers from diverse industries and boardroom influencers
Hear from esteemed BRI Certified Members
who have attended our in person programming.
Hear from esteemed BRI Certified Members
who have attended our in person programming.
BoardReady Institute Certified
View LCDA members who are certified by the Latino Corporate Directors Education Foundation’s (LCDEF), BoardReady Institute (BRI) programs in corporate governance excellence.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Ready to elevate your brand through sponsorship with LCDEF’s BoardReady Institute (BRI)? Explore exclusive opportunities
and ignite meaningful connections today! Contact Pilar Avila at pavila@latinocorporatedirectors.org.
For more information on the BRI, contact Sr. BRI Manager, Lisa Hodges at lhodges@latinocorporatedirectors.org.