The 2022 edition of Latino representation on Fortune 1000 boards examines the state of Latino representation on Fortune 1000 boards. The KPMG BLC collaborated with the Latino Corporate Directors Association (LCDA) to identify and analyze trends in gender, age, board service, committee service, and tenure among U.S. Latino directors, as well as the prevalence of Latino directors by industry and state of corporate headquarters. Latino directors were identified by LCDA and data on public Fortune 1000 company boards and directors were provided by Equilar.
Among the key findings:
- U.S. Latinos hold 3.7 percent of Fortune 1000 board seats, compared to 2.7 percent in 2019. This percentage remains staggeringly low, as Latinos comprise 18.9 percent of the U.S. population.
- Over two-thirds of Fortune 1000 boards have no Latino directors. It is also uncommon to find more than one Latino director on a Fortune 1000 board.
- Latino directors are most highly represented in the food, beverages, and tobacco sector: A majority of Fortune 1000 boards in this industry have at least one Latino director. However, Latinos still only hold 7 percent of all board seats in this industry.
- Latino directors are more likely to be younger and female compared to the entire population of Fortune 1000 directors. Forty-five percent of Latino directors are under age 60, compared to 36 percent of Fortune 1000 directors. Thirty-three percent of Latino directors are female, compared 28 percent of all Fortune 1000 directors.