Grow Demand


LCDA’s multi-tiered demand agenda is designed to increase board placement of Latinos on corporate boards.

1. We serve as a trusted partner and resource to key influencers in board composition. Our partners include:

    • Corporate Boards
    • Search Firms
    • Private Equity
    • Institutional Investors and Pension Funds 

2. We advocate for greater Latino representation on boards and our agenda includes:

    • Writing proactive letters to companies with board opportunities, introducing LCDA as a resource and presenting the business case
    • Acting as a voice for Latino corporate leaders by monitoring national and state legislation that promotes board diversity
NEW! Company Tools for Latino Recruitment

This page provides links to partners creating resources to help companies increase the diversity in their boardrooms. 

3. We research and track the number of Latinos on corporate boards. LCDA leads in providing research that delivers accurate tracking of US Latinos serving in America's corporate boardrooms.
  • NEW! The Latino Board Tracker is the only publicly available resource that tracks the number of Latino/as on Fortune 1000 company boards. Details on F1000 companies, their board size, and the number of Latino/as on each board are all readily available on the new Latino Board Tracker. Users can search by F1000 rank, company name, company headquarter location, and the number of Latino/as on each board.  LCDA’s methodology to report on this data included a thorough review of publicly available information that identified individuals as Latino.
  • RECENTLY PUBLISHED! Latino Representation on Fortune 1000 Boards LCDA, with audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG LLP, released this new report that shows, despite growing shareholder interest in corporate diversity – there is a significant gap in Latino/a representation on F1000 boards in states with notable Latino populations (Texas, Florida, and California) and across industries such as technology, materials, and aerospace and defense.